Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana

Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana

O czasopiśmie


Friday, Jun 14, 2024

Planowane tematy na rok 2025


Family, school and local community – educational partnership

Termin nadsyłania tekstów w języku angielskim do: 30.11.2024

Family, school and local community are the primary educational environments responsible for the care, education and upbringing of children and young people. This peculiar triad is based on interaction, cooperation and partnership, whose common denominator is dialogue. In a pedagogical perspective, this interaction/partnership manifests itself in the concerted and voluntary action of several entities within a given environment or environments, which is aimed at the realization of convergent and common goals in the field of education, upbringing and care.

The changes taking place in modern local environments, which are the result of the progressive processes of globalization and related social transformations, the increase in the autonomy of the individual, the spread of the phenomenon of individualization and anonymization, the disintegration of traditional forms of social life lead to the strengthening of the destructive influence of other instances such as new media, and pose a serious challenge to the harmonious cooperation of basic educational environments.

The aim of this issue is to reflect on the possibilities and limitations of partnership between family, school and local community in the context of contemporary cultural and social changes. Our premise is based on the assertion that the partnership of basic educational environments is a necessary condition for the formation, existence and development of an educational communities.

Tom 27 Nr 2 (2024): Badania pedeutologiczne. Problemy teoretyczne i metodologiczne
Monday, Jun 24, 2024
Pliki do pobrania dla tego numeru:
Spis treści tego numeru
Władysława Szulakiewicz; Andrzej Paweł Bieś
Władysława Szulakiewicz, Andrzej Paweł Bieś