The Background of Future Teachers. Based on Study on the Youth Planning to Study Pedagogy and Pedagogy Students
educational potential, symbolic capital, social experience, higher education, research, educators, youth, studiesAbstract
The aim of the study is to present widely understood sources in reaching pedagogy – as a field of study. Describing a background of future teachers. The collected data set allows to formulate answers to the questions: Who are future teachers?Where do they come from? What kind of family background do they have? Why do they want to study/ study pedagogy? What are their aims in studying education? What level of capitals (social, economic and cultural) has a youth who plan to study pedagogy? The data presented in this text are derived from two sources and were collected over the past few years. The first source is a research project entitled: Study of educational plans of youth in Grudziadz and surrounding areas.
We reached 72% (2,025 of 2,800) of all senior, and pre-senior classes students in Grudziądz and region (within a radius of 30 km, Świecie, Nowe, Łasin). The second source of data is own prepared nationwide survey of students of pedagogy. The
study involved 246 third-year students of pedagogy, stationary mode, in three academic cen ters in Poland. In each place analyzes were conducted both in the public and private university. First, it will be presented a set of a data illustrating the declarations of high school graduates who plan to study pedagogy. In addition, their plans, aspirations, motivations, level of symbolic capital and the origin factors will be described. Prospective teachers (those who declare their willingness to undertake educational studies) will be portrayed in a comparison to the other high school graduates. The second task ‘the study on students’ is closely related the previous one. The pointed in
a title ‘background’ of respondents, so their origin, family situations, the results of baccalaureate, aspirations and their path to the pedagogy. The data selected in this manner are the bases to build a generalized conclusions on the situation
of future teachers, their origin and sources of interest in pedagogy.
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How to Cite
DEJNA, Dagna and NALASKOWSKI, Filip. The Background of Future Teachers. Based on Study on the Youth Planning to Study Pedagogy and Pedagogy Students. Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych (Educational Studies Review). Online. 15 May 2016. Vol. 2, no. 21, pp. 61-80. [Accessed 5 February 2025]. DOI 10.12775/PBE.2015.048.
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