Call for Papers
Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych (Educational Studies Review) announces a call for papers for a thematic issue published in the series Women in Education/Women about Education. The theme of the issue is School Education in Feminist Perspectives. We invite all those who, using feminist theories as a reference, conduct research on school (or pre-school) education in the subject and/or object and/or method scope. The subject scope, marked by the question ‘WHO?’, can concern, for example, the identities of those involved in the educational process analysed in relation to specific (self)identification groups as well as in an intersectional approach. The object scope, marked by the question ‘WHAT?’, may focus on the content of education and concern both what is assumed and what is actually implemented; it may analyse the ways of knowledge production and selection from the perspective of feminist epistemologies. The method scope, marked by the question ‘HOW?’, may in turn concern the distribution of knowledge, educational practice, or methods considered e.g. in terms of objectivity and control versus connection and relation.
We are interested in original research reports framed by feminist theories. We accept both research conducted in qualitative and quantitative strategies.
The issue will contain:
- An editorial
- max 10 articles (original research reports).
Author Guidelines
- The journal section: Original research projects (when submitting an article, please select the section: Thematic issue)
- The length of a manuscript: max. 35 000 characters including spaces, tables, figures and bibliography. References should be prepared in APA 7 style. Other detailed guidance for authors is available in the submission section. Articles that do not meet the requirements of the journal will be rejected.
- The language of publication is English. Polish authors can submit texts in Polish, however after receiving the final decision to publish the article they are required to provide a high-quality translation. Requirements for translation and proofreading are contained in the submission section. The editors do not cover the costs of translation and proofreading of the articles. The editors reserve the right to reject any text which translation does not meet the standards of linguistic correctness.
Information on the review procedure.
Closing date for submitting texts: 28 February 2025 (articles submitted after the deadline will not be processed)
Publication date: The thematic issue will be published no later than December 2025
Editor of the issue: dr hab. Violetta Kopińska, prof. UMK
If you have any questions, please mail to me: or