About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Research profile of the "Educational Studies Review"
The "Educational Studies Review" is a twice per year journal published every six months since 2005. It is devoted solely to reports concerning research on educational processes. It is both a scholarly forum for the exchange of research results and a source of research models. The focus on the methodological aspects of research serves two functions: to motivate scholars to focus on new research problems and to set the standards in the field.
The journal consists of the following sections:
- Original research projects
- Meta-analyses of research on education
- Methods of data collection and analysis in educational research
- Outstanding texts by young scholars
Original research projects
In this section we publish original articles which are reports from research on a specific problem. The title of the article should contain information on the variants which were researched upon. The article should present the theoretical basis for research, the procedures and methods applied as well as research results analysis and interpretation.
Meta-analyses of research on education
The texts published in this section should contain a thorough critical overview of the results of research on a specific problem, accompanied by statistical data concerning the procedures applied in the project and the obtained results (the number of tests in which correlations were found; the number of tests in which no correlations were found, etc.). A meta-analytical article should offer a concise view of the issue in question, both from theoretical and methodological perspectives, and should outline further research in the field.
Methods of data collection and analysis in educational research
The function of this section is to popularize original and yet verified methods of data collection and analysis, both in terms of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The presentations of adopted methods are also welcome.
Outstanding texts by young scholars
This section serves primarily to promote the best research projects and research reports written by young scholars (before Ph.D.). Secondly, it is to serve educational purposes. We would like the open, i.e. public, assessment of the texts published here to propagate the best rules for pedagogical studies. This is why the author of the selected text will have the opportunity to publish it in this section if s/he agrees that the text be followed by a comment of a professor in the field/ an experienced scholar. Such a text with a review will serve as feedback not only for the author but also for other scholars/readers.
Apart from the regular issues (two per year), the "Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych" (Educational Studies Review) publishes additional issues in two series:
- Research Tools Tests of the Committee for Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences(KNP PAN), which publishes Polish original research tools or Polish adaptation of research tools.
Thus far, e.g. the following issues have been published:
- Mariola Chomczyńska-Rubacha, Krzysztof Rubacha, Test Poczucia Skuteczności (TPS); (The Sense of Self Efficacy Test) (Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych 2013, 16a)
- Sławomir Pasikowski, Kwestionariusz Gotowości Przeciwstawiania Się (KGP); (The Questionnaire of Readiness to Resist) (Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych 2016, 23a)
- Stanisława Byra, Appraisal of Disability Primary and Secondary Scale – ADAPSS R. E. Dean I P. Kennedy’ego – polska adaptacja; (Appraisal of Disability Primary and Secondary Scale – ADAPSS by R. E. Dean I P. Kennedy – Polish Adaptation) (Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych 2017, 25a)
- Sławomir Pasikowski. Pomiar pośredni cech modelowanych w strukturze opozycji. Formuły integracji danych; (Indirect measurement of the features modeled in the structure of the opposition. Data integration formulas) (Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych, 2019, 28a)
- Women in Education. Women about Education (KwE/KoE) additional thematic issues published every two years. The aim of the KwE/KoE is to disseminate achievements of female researchers in education field and/or to create a forum for the exchange of research results of women's studies conducted in the education field. Each issue in this series is preceded by call for papers. The articles still have to fit within the sections in the PBE, and the requirements standards for authors, the peer-review procedure and others rules remain unchanged. The language of the publication is related to the concept of a given issue. The series was inaugurated in December 2021.
The publisher of "Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych" (Educational Studies Review) is Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
ISSN: 1895-4308
Peer Review Process
Reviewing procedure:
- Each submitted article is subject to a preselection procedure conducted by the editorial staff.
- The procedure allows selection of articles which are then submitted for review.
- Next, the Editor-in-Chief assigns reviewers to particular texts. Articles are reviewed by two independent and anonymous reviewers (double-blind peer-review).
- The reviewers prepare evaluation of each text in accordance with a review form. The following criteria of reviews are applied:
- Compliance with the theme of the journal
- The innovative aspect of the article
- Internal coherence of the text
- Theoretical frameworks
- Methodological correctness
- Acknowledging the state of research in the field
- Formal and editorial correctness (stylistic, grammatical, editorial)
- Evaluation of abstract's compliance with editorial requirements (it is required that the abstract contains the following: in the case of a research article – problem/research question, methods of data collection and analysis, indication of the research sample, main results, conclusions; in the case of other articles – objective/question posed in the article, context of the issue discussed in the article (presented concisely), main conclusions).
A reviewer presents critical comments and recommends the text for publication or not. The list of possible recommendations:
- the text should be published without any changes,
- the text should be published after the authors revision
- the text should not be accepted.
7. Upon the receipt of a review, the assistants to editor notify the author(s) on reviewers' comments.
8. Final decision regarding publication of a given article is taken by the Editor-in-Chief after he becomes familiarised with the reviews.
9. An alphabetic list of reviewers is published once a year with the second issue of the magazine.
Responsibilities of the reviewers – see Publication Ethics
Open Access Policy
The journal offers access to the contents in the open access system on the principles of non-exclusive license Creative Commons (CC BY-ND 3.0).
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Vice Editor-in-Chief:
dr hab. Violetta Kopińska, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Biographical note of the founder and the first Editor-in-Chief
Prof. dr hab. Mariola Chomczyńska-Rubacha (18.07.1957 - 06.02.2017)
In 2005 she prepared the concept of the magazine of Educational Studies Review, became its founder and Editor-in-Chief. She edited 23 issues of this journal.
She was the head of the Department of School Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Involved in empirical studies within gender studies, moral education, sexual education, gender identity development, discrimination in education, gender-related content in school textbooks, education sociology and teacher training. Authoress of numerous books related to gender perspective in education: "Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychospołeczne" ("Sexual Education in Contemporary Society. Pedagogical and Psychosocial Contexts".) (Lublin 2002); "Płeć i szkoła. Od edukacji rodzajowej do pedagogiki rodzaju" ("Sex and School. From Gender Education to Gender Pedagogy") (Warsaw 2011); "Rodzicielstwo. Miedzy wiedzą a intuicją" ("Parenting. Between Knowledge and Intuition") (Cracow 1999); "Podróż w nieznane. O miłości seksie i rodzinie" ("A Journey into the Unknown. On Love and Sex in the Family") (Warsaw 1997); "Płeć kulturowa nauczycieli. Funkcjonowanie w roli zawodowej" ("Cultural Gender of Teachers. Functioning in a Professional Role")(Cracow 2007). Scientific editor of a publishing cycle regarding cultural gender and education: "Płeć i rodzaj w edukacji" ("Sex and Gender in Education") (2005); "Role płciowe. Kultura i edukacja" ("Sexual Roles. Culture and Education") (2006); "Role płciowe. Rozwój i socjalizacja" ("Sexual Roles. Development and Socialization") (2006); "Teoretyczne perspektywy badań nad edukacją rodzajową" ("Theoretical Perspectives of Research on Gender Education") (2007) – all published by WSHE (Higher School of Humanities and Economy) publishing in Łódź. Author of several dozen and co-author of a few articles, including: "Ukryte przekazy w podręcznikach edukacji seksualnej" ("Hidden Messages in Sexual Education Textbooks") ("Forum Oświatowe" 2/2000); „Wstępna edukacja nauczycieli w perspektywie feministycznej” ("Initial Teacher Education in Feminist Perspective") ("Kultura i Edukacja" 2/2010); "Standardy rozwojowe edukacji seksualnej" ("Principles of Development of Sexual Education")("Studia Edukacyjne" 12/2010); „Dyskryminacja w szkole ze względu na płeć w perspektywie krytycznej socjologii edukacji” ("Discrimination at School with Regard to Sex from the Perspective of Critical Sociology of Education") ("Kultura i Edukacja" 1/2011); „Równość rodzajowa w edukacji jako konstrukt teoretyczny i praktyka oświatowa” ("Gender Equality in Education as a Theoretical Construct and Educational Practice") ("Kultura i Edukacja" 4/2012); „Gender Schemas and Stress-Coping Styles” ("The New Educational Review" 3/2012); Educational strategies of teachers with various senses of efficacy ("The New Educational Review" 1/2013); Ethical orientations and sex in teachers with varied educational strategies ("The New Educational Review" 3/2013); Psychosocial and organizational aspects of didactic achievement: sex, school-type, and self-esteem ("The New Educational Review" 3/2014); The values underlying teachers` and employers` expectations (Kultura i Edukacja 5/2013).
Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Prof. dr. hab. Krzysztof Rubacha, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
The first Editor-in-Chief (2005-2017) - prof. dr hab. Mariola Chomczyńska-Rubacha
dr hab. Violetta Kopińska, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland - statistical editor
dr Magdalena Cuprjak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland - assistant editor, e-mail: mcuprjak@umk.pl
dr Małgorzata Fopka-Kowalczyk, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland - assistant editor, e-mail: mfopka-kowalczyk@umk.pl
dr hab. Krzysztof Gajdka, University of Information, Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland - lingiuistic editor (Polish)
mgr Marta Kowalczyk - lingiustic editor (English)
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha
Vice Editor-in-Chief: dr hab. Violetta Kopińska
prof. Jan Danek, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius , Trnava, Slovak Republic
prof. Ph.D. Zbigniew Formella, The Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy
prof. dr hab. Dorota B. Gołębniak, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland
dr Halyna Katolyk, Ukrainian Catholic Univesity, Lviv, Ukraine
prof. Roald Larsen, UiT University of Tromsø, Norway
prof. Ph.D. Tadeusz Lewicki, The Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy
prof. dr hab. Zbyszko Melosik, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Polska
prof. dr hab. Roman Schulz, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
dr Valentina Shvets, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
dr Sabina Siebert, University of Glasgow, Scotland
prof. dr hab. Dorota Siemieniecka, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
doc. Mgr. Mariana Sirotová, PhD, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Trnava, Slovakia
prof. dr hab. Teresa Sołtysiak, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
prof. dr Zoroslav Spevak, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
prof. dr hab. Marzenna Zaorska, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
Publication Ethics
The ethical principles regarding publications in "Educational Studies Review"
Editorial staff of "Educational Studies Review" cares about maintaining ethical standards in scientific publications and takes all the necessary measures to discourage negligence and possible omissions.
The responsibilities of the Editorial Board encompass:
Decisions regarding publication
In decisions on publication of particular articles the Editorial Board is obliged to take into account currently applicable legal regulations, including copyrights.
Prohibition of discrimination
The laws regarding prevention of discrimination are the laws effective in the Republic of Poland.
Confidentiality/disclosure and conflict of interest
Members of the editorial staff are prohibited from disclosing information concerning articles prepared for publication (including review content) to third persons (i.e. persons not involved in the publication process). The Editorial Board shall not disclose the information on authors to reviewers nor the reviewer information to authors. The Editorial Board shall not appoint as reviewers persons directly subordinate to the authors or remaining in other direct personal relations (if the Board has knowledge of such relations).
In their publications/public appearances the members of the Editorial Board shall not make references to, quote or in any other manner relate to the content of articles that have not yet been published without their authors' consent.
The responsibilities of reviewers include:
Editorial decisions
Reviewers are required to support the Editorial Board in taking decisions concerning article publication.
Reviewers are required to declare whether they are able to perform the assigned work within the specified deadline. Should they recognise that preparation of a review within the said deadline is not possible, they must notify of this fact the Editorial Board.
Standards of objectivity
Reviews should be objective. Personal critique of the author is deemed inappropriate. Reviewers should make their opinions clear and support them with proper arguments. Comments expressed by reviewers should be constructive and substantial in nature.
Confidentiality/disclosure and conflict of interest
All reviewed works are confidential. It is prohibited to present or discuss them with persons other than the members of the Editorial Board. Any doubts, critical and polemic comments are to be included in the review. The content of reviews is also to be treated as a confidential document. Information obtained in the course of the reviewing process is not to be used for personal benefit.
All reviews are prepared anonymously, and the Editorial Board does not provide the reviewers with author data.
Confirmation of sources
Reviewers should inform the Editorial Board on any suspicions of copyright violation in the reviewed texts and pay special attention to lacking or erroneous footnotes.
The responsibilities of authors include:
Proper marking of authorship/disclosure of sources of funding/ conflict of interest
Authorship is to be limited to persons who had a significant impact on article content. The remaining persons involved in the works on an article are to be enlisted in a footnote as co-operators, e.g. field studies performers.
The author's responsibilities include disclosure of any sources of funding of the projects related to their works, the contribution of scientific-research institutions, associations and other entities (affiliation and/or relevant reference note) as well as any significant conflicts of interest which may affect their results or interpretation.
Ghostwriting/guest authorship are seen by the Editorial Board as scientific misconduct and any such cases shall be exposed, including the notification of proper entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, scientific editor associations, etc.).
'Ghostwriting' is the situation in which a person makes a significant contribution to the preparation of a publication without disclosing their share as one of the authors or without being named in the acknowledgements included in the publication.
'Guest authorship' is when the participation of a given author is minute or non-existent while his/her name figures in an article heading.
Authors are required to submit a declaration aimed to prevent ghostwriting/guest authorship practices.
Access to data and data storage
Authors may be requested to deliver unprocessed data concerning work submitted to publication.
Multiple, competitive publications
Simultaneous submission of the same work to more than one Editorial Board of the magazine is deemed unethical and therefore is prohibited.
Substantial errors in published works
Should an author discover a substantial error or imprecision in his/her work, he/she is required to inform of it the Editorial Board as soon as possible. Also the Editorial Board should take the necessary steps to introduce proper corrections in the case of learning of any significant errors from third persons.
Originality and plagiarism/source confirmation
Authors are required to submit to the Editorial Board only original works. Moreover, they are required to disclose sources which had an influence on the preparation of an article for publication by using footnotes and quotations. Authors should make sure than the names of authors quoted in their works and/or the extracts of cited works are properly marked. Authors must not refer to privately obtained information without explicit consent of particular sources. Furthermore, they are prohibited from using confidential information without the consent of proper authorities.
It is the Editorial Office's responsibility to document any scientific misconduct, in particular any violation or breach of ethical rules applicable in science.
* Prepared on the basis of: COPE's Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, www.publicationethics.org. accessed on: 29/12/2014
List of Reviewers
List of Reviewers of Education Studies Review
List of Reviewers in 2018:
Dr hab. Sławomir Banaszak, prof. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Błajet, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, Polska
Dr hab. Ewa Bochno, prof. Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Polska
Dr hab. Andrzej Gofron, prof. Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, Bielsko-Biała, Polska
Dr hab. Mariusz Granosik, prof. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź, Polska
Dr hab. Iwona Lidia Janicka, prof. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź, Polska
doc. PhDr. et PhDr. Martin Kaleja, Slezská univerzita, Opava, Česká Republika
Dr hab. Marzanna Bogumiła Kielar, prof. Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej, Warszawa, Polska
Dr hab. Grażyna Kosiba, prof. Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha, Kraków, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kubinowski, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin, Polska
Dr hab. Małgorzata Michel, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska
Dr hab. Beata Nowak, prof. Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa, Polska
Dr hab. Inetta Nowosad, prof. Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, Polska
Dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Przybylska, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa, Polska
Dr hab. Anna Sajdak-Burska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska
Prof. Sabina Siebert, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
doc. Mgr. Mariana Sirotová, PhD, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Trnava, Slovensko
Dr hab. Renata Szczepanik, prof. Uniwersytetu Łódzki, Łódź, Polska
Dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, prof. Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomii i Innowacji, Lublin, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Jan Twardowski, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Polska
Dr hab. Danuta Urbaniak-Zając, prof. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź, Polska
Dr hab. Edyta Zierkiewicz, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław, Polska
List of Reviewers in 2017:
prof. dr hab. Piotr Błajet, UMK, Polska
dr hab. Stanisława Byra, UMCS, Polska
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Juszczyk, UŚ, Polska
doc. PhDr. et PhDr. Martin Kaleja, SU, Czechy
dr hab. Hanna Kostyło, prof. UMK, Polska
dr hab. Małgorzata Kowalczyk, prof. UMK, Polska
prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Krasoń, UŚ, Polska
prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kwieciński, UMK, Polska
prof. dr hab. Roman Leppert, UKW, Polska
prof. dr hab. Wiesława Limont, UMK, Polska
prof. PhDr. Pavel Mühlpachr, PhD., Czechy
dr hab. Beata Nowak, prof. AJD, Polska
dr hab. Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, prof. UWM, Polska
dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. UMCS, Polska
prof. dr hab. Jacek Piekarski, UŁ, Polska
dr hab. Beata Przyborowska, prof. UMK, Polska
prof. dr hab. Ewa Przybylska, SGGW, Polska
doc. Mgr. Mariana Sirotová, PhD, UCM, Słowacja
dr hab. Hanna Solarczyk-Szwec, prof. UMK
dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska – Bogucka, prof. WSEI, Polska
dr hab. Danuta Urbaniak-Zając, prof. UŁ, Polska
List of Reviewers in 2016:
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Błajet, UMK, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Błeszyński, UMK, Polska
Dr hab. Sławomir Czachowski, UMK, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Maria Czerepaniak-Walczak, USz, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska, KSW, Polska
Dr hab. Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, prof. UZ, Polska
Dr hab. Ewa Jarosz, UŚ, Polska
Prof. Vitalyj Kantor, Petersburg, Rosja
Dr hab. Marzanna Kielar, prof. ChAT, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Hanna Komorowska, SWPS UHS, Polska
Dr hab. Hanna Kostyło, prof. UMK, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Krasoń, UŚ, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kubinowski, USz, Polska
Dr hab. Ewa Maria Kulesza, prof. APS, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Roman Leppert, UKW, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Wiesława Limont, UMK, Polska
Prof. Mikołaj Małofiejew, Akademia Nauk w Moskwie, Rosja
Prof. dr hab. Zbyszko Melosik, UAM, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Nalaskowski, UMK, Polska
Dr hab. Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, prof. UWM, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Palka, UJ, Polska
Dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. UMCS, Polska
Dr hab. Jan Papież, prof. UG, Polska
Prof. PhD. Erich Petlak, CSc., UKF, Słowacja
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Piekarski, UŁ, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Beata Przyborowska, UMK, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Przybylska, UMK, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha, UMK, Polska
Dr hab. Sławomira Sadowska, prof. UG, Polska
Prof. dr. hab. Małgorzata Sekułowicz, DSW, Polska
Doc. Mgr Mariana Sirotova, PhD, UCM, Trnava, Słowacja
Doc. Mgr. Katarína Slobodová Nováková, PhD., UCM, Słowacja
Dr hab. Hanna Solarczyk-Szwec, prof. UMK, Polska
Dr hab. Dorota Turska, prof. UMCS, Polska
Dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, prof. WSEiI, Polska
Dr hab. Danuta Urbaniak-Zając, prof. UŁ, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Anna Wiłkomirska, UW, Polska
Dr hab. Bożena Wójtowicz, UP KEN, Polska
Prof. dr hab. Marzenna Zaorska, UWM, Polska
Dr hab. Przemysław Żywiczyński, prof. UMK, Polska
List of Reviewers in 2015:
Dr hab. Krystyna Ablewicz, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Krystyna Baranowicz, prof. UŁ
Dr hab. Urszula Bartnikowska
Dr hab. Józef Binnebesel, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Piotr Błajet, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Jacek J. Błeszyński, prof. UMK
Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Borowicz, UMK
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Gęsicki
Dr hab. Agnieszka Gromkowska-Melosik, prof. UAM
Prof. dr hab. Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska
Dr hab. Ewa Jarosz
dr Jaroslaw Janio, Santa Ana College, USA
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Kirenko
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Konarzewski
Prof. dr hab. Marek Konopczyński, prof. PWSNS
Dr hab. Hanna Kostyło, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Kazimierz Kotlarski
Dr hab. Małgorzata Kowalczyk, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Ewa Maria Kulesza, prof. APS
Dr hab. Roman Leppert, prof. UKW
Prof. dr hab. Zbyszko Melosik
Dr hab. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, prof. DSW
Dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. UMCS
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Piekarski
Dr hab. Beata Przyborowska, prof. UMK
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha
Prof. dr hab. Roman Schulz
Prof. dr hab. Bronisław Siemieniecki
dr Mariana Sirotova, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave (Słowacja)
Prof. dr hab. Ewa Syrek
Dr hab. Hanna Solarczyk – Szwec, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Krzysztof J. Szmidt, prof. UŁ
Prof. dr hab. Władysława Szulakiewicz
Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Śliwerski
Dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, prof. UMCS
Prof. dr hab. Marzenna Zaorska, Uniwersytet Warmińsko - Mazurski
Dr hab. Jolanta Zwiernik, prof. Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
Dr hab. Małgorzata Żytko, prof. UW
List of Reviewres in 2014:
dr hab. Hanna Kostyło, prof. UMK, Poland
dr hab. Małgorzata Kowalczyk, prof. UMK, Poland
dr hab. Ewa Maria Kulesza, prof. APS, Poland
dr hab. Roman Leppert, prof. UKW, Poland
dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. UMCS, Poland
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha, UMK, Polska
dr Maria Sirotova, UCM, Trnava, Slovakia
dr hab. Hanna Solarczyk-Szwec, prof. UMK, Poland
prof. dr hab. Ewa Syrek, UŚ, Poland
dr hab. Krzysztof J. Szmidt, prof. UŁ, Poland
dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, prof. UMCS, Poland
prof. dr hab. Marzenna Zaorska UWM, Poland
dr hab. Małgorzata Żytko, prof. UW, Poland
List of Reviewers in 2013:
Dr hab. Krystyna Ablewicz, prof. UJ
Dr hab. Krystyna Baranowicz, prof. UŁ
Dr hab. Urszula Bartnikowska
Dr hab. Józef Binnebesel, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Piotr Błajet, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Jacek J. Błeszyński, prof. UMK
Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Borowicz, UMK
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Gęsicki
Dr hab. Agnieszka Gromkowska-Melosik, prof. UAM
Prof. dr hab. Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska
Dr hab. Ewa Jarosz
dr Jaroslaw Janio, Santa Ana College, USA
Prof. dr hab. Janusz Kirenko
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Konarzewski
Prof. dr hab. Marek Konopczyński, prof. PWSNS
Dr hab. Hanna Kostyło, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Kazimierz Kotlarski
Dr hab. Małgorzata Kowalczyk, prof. UMK
Dr hab. Roman Leppert, prof. UKW
Prof. dr hab. Zbyszko Melosik
Dr hab. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, prof. DSW
Dr hab. Dorota Pankowska, prof. UMCS
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Piekarski
Dr hab. Beata Przyborowska, prof. UMK
Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rubacha
Prof. dr hab. Roman Schulz
Prof. dr hab. Bronisław Siemieniecki
Prof. dr hab. Władysława Szulakiewicz
Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Śliwerski
Dr hab. Wioletta Tuszyńska-Bogucka, prof. UMCS
"Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych” ("Educational Studies Review") is indexed in The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), EBSCO, and Index Copernicus International Journals Master List.
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