Spaces of Activity of the Academic Teacher and Student in Light of Engaged Didactics
involvement, engaged didactics, person, academic teacher activity, student activityAbstract
The aim of the article is to describe the integration of the activity of an academic teacher and pedagogy students/future teachers. The reference point for the analysis is engaged didactics, which is based on the integration of the cognitive/intellectual and axiological spheres with personality and developmental change from the perspective of subjectivity and autonomy of creativity within academic education, especially of students in terms of integration.
In engaged didactics, the key concept is commitment, which is understood as a certain type of research discourse practice that primarily takes into account the emancipatory needs of specific groups of people. Researchers participating in this discourse engage themselves in projects aimed at social change, and not only at improvement of the position of the disadvantaged. On the other hand, the essence and boundary conditions of this practice is the sense of subjectivity of both the researchers and participants of social situations who voluntarily and with a sense of satisfaction participate in this type of activity.
“Engaged didactics” is defined as a group of subjective didactic activities of an academic teacher and students that consists of developmental changes built on interpersonal communication, mutual trust, and service which trigger creative activity. The basis of these activities is the integration of knowledge acquired by the student, focused on the integral development of the person individually and socially. The perspective of the academic teacher and students is the integral development of the student as the primary goal of the school and the optimization of the conditions for its implementation.References
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