Personalistic Approach in Education as a Way for Developing Culture Based on Values
education, personalism, dialogue, “black pedagogy”, violenceAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the selected thoughts of existential philosophers and philosophers of dialogue, with particular emphasis on the views of J. Tischner, T. Gadacz and M. Buber, to show that thanks to the personalistic approach in education, it is possible to build a culture based on values such as freedom, dialogue, respect, tolerance and love. In order to emphasize the personalism, I will show views worked out by the researcher of “black pedagogy” – Alice Miller, who presents how destructive violence experienced during childhood is for a child, and in a wider perspective, for the culture. In my preparation of the issue, I used the method of the analysis of existing materials and the synthesis method. The central categories around which the considerations are conducted are: child, education, freedom, violence. Personalism emphasizes a person as an autonomous human being, its dignity and rationality. In turn, “black pedagogy” refers to research on the influence of mental violence on the child’s mind. Using mechanisms of repression in their childhood leads to tremendous human and cultural deterioration. An education based on a personalistic approach in education is the key to building a culture based on freedom, dialogue, respect, tolerance, love.
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