Uwięzienie w konwencji. Jakościowa metasynteza badań na temat zaangażowania obywatelskiego młodych
https://doi.org/10.12775/PBE.2021.024Słowa kluczowe
citizenship engagement, citizenship participation, active citizenship, youth, qualitative research, meta-synthesisAbstrakt
The aim of the analysis presented in this article is an attempt to locate patterns and barriers concerning the understanding of citizenship engagement of young people in scientific research and social practices (mainly educational) analyzed in these research. To achieve this goal, a meta-synthesis of qualitative research was carried out. The analysis covered 27 publications from the last ten years, which were selected in a multi-stage process. First, a systematic review of these publications was carried out using the following criteria: temporal, field of science, type of publication, language of publication. Then, the content of abstracts was reviewed and the accessibility criterion was applied. Finally, the full content was reviewed. To evaluate the abstracts and the full content of the articles, questions were used that were created on the basis of the CASP Qualitative Studies Checklist. The publications included in this way were subject to open coding. As a result, four general descriptive codes and a number of specific ones were obtained. In-depth analysis led to the identification of 4 patterns limiting the interpretation of the engagement of young people. Two of them relate to research and refer to the understanding of citizenship involvement itself and the form of it related to activity in media. Thus, they show the imprisonment of some researchers in the conventional understanding of citizenship engagement and its forms. The next two patterns concern social practices, including educational. They show imprisonment in structure and organization as well as in the culturally dominant approach to understanding citizenship engagement.
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