The Paradigm of Modern Special Pedagogy
pedagogy, special pedagogy, paradigm, conception, scientific theoryAbstract
Modern day special pedagogy, accordingly to the specifics of the current stage of development of the human civilisation, is characterised by the search for new, so-far absent or presentin a marginalised form, concept solutions interpreting the essence of the state and the phenomenon of disability, which should be adjusted to the requirements and specificity of
social and individual needs. They are expressed, for instance, in the form of paradigms (i.e. model theories, which enable highlighting of selected assumptions recognised as certain,
allowing for focusing on solutions of more specific problems), accepted as preferred and superior ones. However, at the same time, it gives the proposed paradigm solutions the sensation of ambiguity and it is impossible to accept only some of the certainties. Therefore, the article highlights selected thoughts concerning the subject of the paradigm situation of Polish special pedagogy in the first decade of the 21st century and conclusions regarding the need to consider the specificity of the modern civilisation development in theoretical concepts
and practical action strategies, aimed at the disabled and the system of social assistance for environments related to the dilemmas of disability, based on hermeneutic interpretation of
the phenomenon of disability, as well as its individualised consequences.
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