Theology and Man

Theology and Man

About the Journal

"Theology and Man" is a quarterly journal that has been published since 2003 at the Nicolas Copernicus University and is edited by academics from the Faculty of Theology in partnership with an international academic council of theologians. The texts in the following issues are classified into four sections: Theology, Family, Ecumenism, Orient.

The main objective of the publication is to present academic research, and to discuss and analyse current trends and tendencies taking place in different fields of modern theology, such as the Bible, dogmatic theology, fundamental theology, the theology of liturgy, the theology of spirituality, pastoral theology, catechetics, homiletics, and the history of the Church.

The journal is indexed in the following databases: ERIH Plus, PBN/POL-Index, ICI Journals Master List, Google Scholar, DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals.

Scoring by the Ministry of Education and Science (January 05, 2024): 70 points.