“Universities for All”: George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday and His Idea of Higher Education
university, access to education, modern society, human rights, democracyAbstract
The aim of this study is to present the views of George Zygmunt Fijałkowski-Bereday on the role of higher education in modern society, and of access to education and the universal nature of educational institutions at every stage of education. The choice of such topics results from the fact that Bereday is mainly known for his contribution to the development of educational comparative studies. His considerations regarding educational policy and its potential social benefits have not been the subject of scientific inquiry. Selected Bereday publications, both academic and journalistic—as well as archival materials, including speeches, lectures, and correspondence—were analyzed in the research on the issue. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Bereday advocated the widest possible dissemination of access to education, at the academic level as well, and that this need was not only justified by practical arguments—he referred primarily to the sphere of ethics and human values. His views seem worthy of consideration particularly nowadays, when the discussion about shaping education policy focuses on utilitarian aspects, which may lead to diminishing the importance of the fact that access to education is a fundamental human right and, in consequence, may perpetuate inequalities in education.
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