Parents Towards the Topic of Their Children’s Sexual Education. Research Report
sexual education, education in the family, sexuality, familyAbstract
In this article it is assumed that the family is an important environment for children’s sexual education. Family education can affect the knowledge, behavior and development of adolescents in the area of their sexuality. The first part of this article introduces the thesis, that family is an important environment in determining the sexual behavior of adolescents. Next, the methodological assumptions of the research are presented. It answers the following question: what is the parental attitude to the sexuality of their children. Subsequently, there specific research problems are presented: what is parental activity in the field of sexual education, what are the difficulties with sexual education, what are the parental needs identified in this area? The research has been carried out by means of a diagnostic survey. The group of respondents comprised 66 women and 11 men, parents of children aged 15–18. The respondents were aged 33–58 and came from Szczecin. In the middle part of the text, results of scientific research are presented connected with pedagogical proposals. The research results show that most respondents undertake the task of the sexual education of their children. Parents also perceive that many behaviors are causally connected with sexual education, for example – with the quality of relationship in marriage. The character of the conversation about sex between parents and children is rather instrumental than relational. The whole article contains pedagogical reflection on the topic of sexual education in the families of adolescents.
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