Teaching Religion to Youths in the Axionormative Chaos of the Modern World
religion teaching, youth, axionormative chaos, catechesis, catechetical documentsAbstract
The aim of the article is to explore the influence of the teaching of religion to youths in overcoming the axionormative chaos characteristic of both the modern world and the developmental period in which young people find themselves. In order to observe this influence; the analysis of catechetical documents which outline the concept of religion and those that determine its contents at particular educational stages is used. After a brief description of the sources of axionormative chaos (external and internal); the concept of the teaching of religion is analyzed; with particular attention paid to its ability to overcome chaos; as well as how it helps in paving the way to adulthood. Then; the specific contents of the catechesis of the youth are shown; also in terms of their possibilities of integrating and showing the lasting and unchanging foundations of adolescent life. Attention is also paid to the personal characteristics of the teacher of religion; which can help or disrupt the achievement of the goals. The analysis shows that the teaching of religion has a chance to help in the orientation of young people dealing with axionormative chaos and overcome it; which is a condition for responsibly taking on the tasks and responsibilities of an adult.
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