Transactional Models of School Violence
school violence, educational transactional analysis, ego states, students, teachers, parents, Drama Triangle, Winner’s Triangle, Cube of School ViolenceAbstract
School violence is one of the most disturbing phenomena, not only from the point of view of the goals and functions of a school, but also in the wider dimension of social life and the fate of individuals. Schools, instead of being safe and peaceful places, are a space of oppression and anxiety. Violence on school grounds is an extremely complex, multi-faceted and difficult issue of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature, as well as a moral and axiological problem. The paper presents an authorial model of school violence, which should be dealt with by students, teachers and parents, as well as their transactional ego states. This model is based on one of the lesser known psychotherapeutic concepts of transactional analysis (TA). School violence takes place within the Drama Triangle of the following psychological roles: Victim, Rescuer, Persecutor (Stephen B.Karpman). All these factors create a cube of mutually conditioned dependencies. Preventing and dealing with school violence should be conducted in accordance with the model of the Winner’s Triangle and alternating psychological roles of being: Assertive, Caring and Vulnerable (Acey Choy).
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