Catholic Education, Faith and Authority
Authority, Catholic education, Faith, Freedom, Obedience, Second Vatican CouncilAbstract
The text aims to show that authority and obedience are essential within Catholic education. In fact, Faith is “obedience” to the Truth as says the Second Vatican Council and the Truth is endowed with “authority” because God Himself is embodied in Jesus Christ. It is necessary to stress that – according to the Christian faith – this dependence upon God is not a kind of slavery but rather a loving relationship to the Father which sets humans free. This happens because man has an original dignity coming from his creation “in God’s image”. Catholic education must make people able to practice self-dominion (through the experience of authority) in order to choose only what is good so as to obey to the truth of human identity.References
Augustine, The City of God. Augustin, The Predestination of Saints. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechism. Francis, Laudato si’. Gregory of Nyssa, On the Making of Man. Guardini R., Learning the Virtues, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester (NH) 2013.
Jerumanis A.M., In Cristo, con Cristo, per Cristo, Edizioni Camilliane, Roma 2013.
John Paul II, Christifideles laici.
John Paul II, Homily (12.03.2000).
Leo I, Sermon, XXI.
Nietzsche F., The Will to Power.
Origen, Against Celsus.
Second Vatican Council, Dei Verbum.
Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et spes.
Tremblay R., Zamboni S. (ed.), Synowie w Synu. Teologia moralna fundamentalna, MIC, Warszawa 2009.
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