The Possibility of Building a Personalised Learning Space to Support the Development of Children at Early School Age
personal learning environment, learning space, supporting the development of a child in early school age, virtual environment, information and communication technologiesAbstract
As a result of the dynamic development of new information and communication technologies, today’s educational environment has becoming increasingly personalized. On the one hand, it contributes to the specificity of the new digital media and the ability to create a virtual space in which to place the process of learning and teaching, and the other to the current trends in the approach to the learning process. These trends indicate the need to adapt the process of learning to the specific needs of the student to a much larger extent than to date. They put the emphasis on student-centered learning and independence in undertaking educational activities. In the context of these phenomena, an important part of the educational process seems to consider personalizing actions when designing the educational environment. The object of this study was a personalized educational space, adapted to the possibilities of child development. The goal study was to describe the possibility of constructing such a personalized learning space to support student development, both in theory and in a practical context. In these considerations the authors focused primarily on the needs of children at early school age. It was pointed out that the teaching tailored to the individual preferences of each student is possible for children with different intellectual abilities. It is a task which should be met by every teacher of early childhood education, considering it not as a problems but rather a challenge. Moreover, some types of resources and online tools were identified which can be useful for educational activities from the point of view of individual pupils.
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