Sources for Educational Activities of the Secondary Boarding School in Tarnopol
manuscript sources, printed sources, education, gentry secondary boarding school (konwikt szlachecki) in Tarnopol, GaliciaAbstract
When creating a monograph of an educational institution, it is necessary to refer to manuscript sources connected with activities of the Jesuit Order as well as to those directly relating to the boarding school in Tarnopol. Among essential source materials there will be decrees specifying the curriculum and teaching methods, lists of teachers and students, instructions for teachers and educators working in the school, the school code of conduct, programs of music and theatre performances. Moreover, publications will also serve as a significant source in the study, especially laws, regulations and decrees of Partition authorities referring to the management, functioning and organisation of schools in the Austrian Empire. Another valuable source material will also be commemorative publications and memoirs of alumni. The study material which was created earlier, and directly refers to the school as well as to the activities of the Jesuit Order of the period will be considerably helpful in establishing the educational activities of the secondary boarding school. The manuscript and printed sources mentioned in the article are not sufficient enough to exhaust the undertaken subject. It needs to be emphasised that there are no complete sources referring to the Secondary Boarding School in Tarnopol. I do hope that the remaining source material will allow to reconstruct the educational activity of the secondary boarding school in Tarnopol, which, undoubtedly, deserves recollection, if only owing to its importance in the education of the Polish youth in the period of the Partitions of Poland.
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