Respecting Students’ Development Potential and Reflecting on Personal Experience: Stanisław Dunin-Borkowski’s Perspective on Being a Teacher and Educator (1864–1934)
pedeutology, teacher, education, Jesuits, educating leadersAbstract
In 2024, we commemorate the 160th anniversary of the birth and the 90th anniversary of the passing of Stanisław Dunin-Borkowski, a philosopher, Jesuit, teacher, educator, and author of widely read and respected works on education, particularly esteemed in German-speaking regions. Despite originating from a prestigious Polish noble family who lived near Lviv, Dunin-Borkowski’s contributions to pedagogical thought remain regrettably underappreciated in his homeland of Poland. This article endeavors to shed light on specific facets of Dunin-Borkowski’s pedeutology through an in-depth examination of his pedagogical autobiography. The focal points of analysis include his profound belief in the formative influence of teacher figures in shaping one’s identity as an educator. Moreover, the author delves into Dunin-Borkowski’s penchant for identifying and nurturing individuals with above-average potential, primed to assume leadership roles in society. The article also places significant emphasis on the author’s exploration of Dunin-Borkowski’s advocacy for recognizing and honoring the internal potential of students, a principle that continues to resonate in European pedagogical discourse from the late 19th to the early 20th century and beyond.
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