Challenges for a New Old Age: An Essay on Gerontology
old age, future, challenge, changes, forecastsAbstract
The purpose of the essay is to forecast a picture of the elderly and the macro problems resulting from an aging population. The article takes up the question of what older adults, i.e. today’s forty- and fifty-year-olds, will be like in 20-30 years. What professions will emerge in connection with the aging population, what changes will occur in the labor market, and in care and social assistance? What will social relations, dialogue with other generations be like? Will and how will the experience and social perception of old age shift? In planning solutions (for the future), it is important to take into account the diverse needs of older adults, as well as socioeconomic, cultural and technological trends. My hypothesis is that as a result of aging processes, seniors in the “young-old” group will be more socially and professionally active than they are now and the life space of the next generation of aging people will expand. On the other hand, old age proper – the cohort of “the old-old” and “the oldest-old” cohort, people,” who are usually chronically ill, often lonely, and have impaired functional independence, will be covered by institutional care, using digital technologies.
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