Feelings of Loneliness and Reduced Self-Esteem in the Context of Internet Addiction Risk Among Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Adolescents
adolescents, internet, addiction, risk, loneliness, self-esteemAbstract
The article presents the results of a study conducted on two groups of adolescents aged 15–18, based on an assessment of risky behaviors presented during internet use. The purpose of the research was to assess the correlation between feelings of loneliness among both hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents and risky Internet use, which increases the risk of Internet addiction. Three tools were used to gather the data: the Questionnaire of Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Attitudes Toward the World by Bartłomiej Golek and Ewa Wysocka (2011), the Polish adaptation of the Rate of Loneliness by Jenny de Jong Gierveld and Theo van Tilburg (Grygiel et al. 2011), and the Polish adaptation of the Questionnaire of Problematic Internet Use by Kimberly Young (Poprawa 2012). The results clearly indicate a correlation between higher levels of loneliness, lower levels of self-esteem, and the tendency to engage in risky online behavior among hearing-impaired adolescents.
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