Psychological and Pedagogical Care for Children with Special Educational Needs – a System in Poland
psychological and pedagogical care, special educational needs, inclusive education, supportAbstract
The number of students with special educational needs continues to increase in Polish mainstream schools. The obligatory psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in Poland operates on the basis of normative acts developed by the Ministry of Education. This assistance is targeted at students of Polish state schools (primary and secondary), which also teach children and young adults with this kind of needs within the framework of inclusive education. The study in quantitative strategies (quantitative research) was conducted among the teaching staff in Polish schools located in large cities. The number of participants in the sample was approximately 130 teachers and the instrument used was a questionnaire prepared by the authors. The research concerned the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical assistance provided to pupils with special educational needs. The research results indicate that the current scheme in Poland requires new legislation and urgent interventions, especially in terms of qualifications of teachers who work with pupils with special educational needs.
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