Sensory Integration. Analytical Evaluation
Sensory integration, psychology, therapy, developmental, behavioral, and learning problemsAbstract
The sensory integrative therapy was developed by Dr. Jean Ayres in the seventies with the objective of helping children with developmental, behavioral and learning problems.The sensory integrative therapy (SI) has spread mainly in the US, Europe, Australia, and Japan and to date has chiefly been used by ergotherapists when treating children with behavioral
problems. However, case-control studies have so far been unable to verify the effectiveness of this method.
According to today’s scientific findings of developmental neurology and psychology the theory of the sensory integration therapy has to be assessed critically. In our article we subject
the theoretical foundations of the sensory integrative therapy to a scientific analysis from the perspective of the chaos therory, of endocrinology, of constructivism, of motology, and of neuropsychology.
The results of this analysis together with an analytical evaluation show that the sensory integrative therapy is based on theoretical assumptions which are no longer in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge. Though the SI has meanwhile been modified, it has not lead to a fundamental change of therapeutic targets and methods. It is still assumed
that developmental, learning, and behavioral disorders are normally based on “neurophysiologically definable” deficits in the so-called Sensory Integration of basic perceptions like touch, proprioception and equilibrium functions, and that it is necessary to normalize the fundamental dysfunctions by specific therapeutic methods in order to treat the developmental and learning disorders. However, so far it has not been possible to convincingly prove the existence of such “neurophysiologically reasoned” processing disorders of sensory information.
The critical appraisal of the method is not an overall critique of ergotherapy when it comes to children. The methods used in the SI therapy can contribute positively to a sense
perception of touch, movement, and equilibrium reactions. In many cases this method makes approaching the children easier. However, up to now, no evaluation studies have been
able to verify any specific effect of the SI therapy on children with learning and behavioral disorders.
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