Child Participation in Early Childhood Education from the Perspective of Female Students Specialising in Preschool and Early Childhood Education
child participation, female students’ opinions, early childhood education, pedagogy, qualitative researchAbstract
This article addresses the subject matter of child participation in decision-making, events and social or civic activities at the early childhood education stage from the perspective of female students at a Polish university. This study aimed to explore and analyse the opinions of female students preparing to become teachers for grades 1–3 in primary school, focusing on their perspectives regarding child participation while utilising Roger Hart’s “Ladder of Children’s Participation” concept. In this qualitative study, a semi-directed, problem-oriented focus group interview was conducted, followed by a content analysis of the data obtained. Female students at a large university in a medium-sized city in Poland were invited to participate in the study. The study depicted that they equated the
process of developing skills related to participation, understood as involvement in society, with formal education. Their responses were dominated by approaches related to full participation, while other views indicated a lack of confidence in implementation of full participation at the early childhood education stage. These concerns, inter alia, include the presumed lack of developmental readiness of children, as well as the requirements that prevent the creation of a participatory environment (compulsory core curriculum). As the analysis of the study programme of future female teachers, conducted as a context, has shown, issues related to child participation have been dealt with marginally, which needs to be corrected.
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