Adolescents’ Cyberdating Relationships and the Socialisation Background: Links with Sexism in Spanish Society and Pornography Consumption
The present paper synthesises the results obtained in an exploratory study about adolescents’ online cyberdating relationships. The main objective of the study was to verify
whether the quality of these relationships depends on pornography consumption, beliefs about sexism in Spanish society, and sex as a variable associated with differentiating
socio-cultural factors. A total of 240 secondary school students randomly selected from the Castilla-La Mancha region in Spain constituted the sample for the study. The Cyberdating Q_A questionnaire was used to measure the quality of dating relationships among adolescents on social networks. The relationship between the variables considered was tested in a multivariate analysis of the variance model. According to the results, pornography
consumption was the only factor differentiating the selected dimensions of cyberdating relationships. Sex and sexism turned out to be insignificant. The results were discussed.
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