The analysis of antioxidant properties of fermented active vinegar from fruits
fermented vinegar, berry fruits, fruit vinegars, polyphenols, FRAP, antioxidant potential,, DPPHAbstract
The vinegar fermentation is a method of processing plant material that has been known since ancient times. Vinegar is primarily used as a condiment to enhance the flavor of dishes and to preserve food. In recent years, as above, there has been a growing interest in vinegar as a healthy beverage rich in bioactive compounds that provide a range of beneficial properties. The purpose of the present study was to examine 7 fruit vinegars, so-called “live” vinegars, prepared from dark fruits: chokeberry, plum,
raspberry, elderberry, blackberry, cherry and the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica). The content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant potential were determined as a factor shaping the health-promoting properties of these
vinegars. The tests were performed using spectroscopic methods: the DPPH radical assay, the FRAP assay, and the content of total polyphenolic compounds was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The total polyphenol content was in the
range of 367,2–1443,6 mg GAE/L. The raspberry vinegar had the lowest polyphenol content, while cherry and elderberry vinegar had the highest. Variation in antioxidant activity was found. The deactivation capacity of the DPPH radical by the tested raw
materials ranged from 21,3–77,5%, while the FRAP test was 1,59–10,19 mM FeSO4/L. The test methods used confirmed the high antioxidant activity of the tested fruit vinegars. A positive correlation was also found between the content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant power. It was also noted that the quality of vinegar, and thus its health benefits, is determinate by the raw material used. Thus, due to a number of properties, vinegar can be a highly valued fermented food product.
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