Sing Away the Values: Christian Education in English Lessons in a Catholic Primary School in Belfast
Christian education, teaching English, singing, teaching music, religious educationAbstract
Christian education at school is carried out not only during religion lessons. This article deals with the issue of Christian education using the valuable musical repertoire in early school education on the example of experience gained from an elementary school in Belfast. At an early stage of education, when students have an integrated education, it is easy to refer to Christian values during everyday school activities. Is it possible to combine Christian education with teaching English lessons?
The article will present studies on language learning, and using musical works that refer to spiritual values as they are understood by Max Scheler. Referring to the assumptions of Finnish music education and religious education, the values resulting from the described solution will be presented. The examples presented will be discussed using references to literature that outlines the broader shape of Christian education in early childhood education. It will also be helpful to refer to the following categories: Catholic pedagogy, religious education, Christian education, spiritual values or eurhythmics, which are the theoretical foundations of this article.
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