Marital Bonds as an Experience of Love in the Christian Perspective
love, marital love, marriage, interpersonal relationships, marital bondAbstract
Living love is the most human and universal experience. Love is a complex, multi‐faceted, psychological and spiritual reality. It is a universal and timeless value. It is associated with the greatest human need to be loved and the desire to love. Therefore, in the integral development of a person, love is the most important factor that shapes and integrates his/her personality. The essence of love is unchangeable, but the ways of experiencing and expressing it are very different. The development of conjugal love requires the growth of a marital bond. It is thanks to it that it is possible for two people to be united in love. A marital bond constitutes an essential element which integrates and shapes the multifaceted area of marital relationship, interaction and communication.
Nowadays, in an era of consumerism and a lifestyle based more on civil partnerships, it can be seen that love and marriage are not treated as the values, they are often even spoken of with shame. Therefore, the aim of the article is to present theoretical issues related to the experience of love in a Christian perspective, especially from the perspective of a marital bond. Taking into account the complexity of this issue, only selected aspects will be shown. The various contexts of love and the experience of marital love will be discussed. The essence and value of the marital bond will be shown, as well as the aspect of developing the ability to love in the process of human education.
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