A Teacher in Educational Transactional Analysis
transactional analysis, educational transactional analysis, Sylvia Schachner’s educational models, Susannah Temple’s Functional FluencyAbstract
Transactional analysis became interested in education relatively early. One of the first articles from this area discussed similarities and differences between work of a psychotherapist and a teacher. Since then teachers and their psychological functioning in private and professional dimensions have become the focus of valuable international and Polish studies, which can even be described as pedeutology of transactional analysis. The aim of the paper is to report these – unfortunately, not well-known – achievements. The paper also presents the activity of the Research Team of Educational Transactional Analysis from Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. A beneficial role of educational transactional analysis in teacher training was noticed by two renowned representatives of TA: Sylvia Schachner and Susannah Temple, whose ideas are also summarised in the paper. Outlining the scope and nature of Polish scientific papers devoted to teachers in TA, the Author hopes that they will be continued and will mark their place in Polish psychopedagogy and pedeutology.
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