On the Authority of the Educating Church according to the Opinions and Expectations of Students and Younger Employees of a Catholic University
the authority of the Church, the authority of the educator, the decline of authority, the abuse of authority, interpersonal valuesAbstract
The teaching and educational mission of the Church requires authority. The authority of the Church influences the effectiveness of its educational activities. The study presents the results of the research of questionnaire surveys and focus interviews conducted among students and academics of a Catholic university concerning their opinions about the foundations of the authority of the Church in Poland, the nature of this authority, the change (decrease) of the Church authority and the causes of this process, as well as opinions on how the Church can build her authority in order to be able to educate more effectively. Research has shown that in the opinion of the respondents, there has been a decrease in the authority of the Church and the reasons for that are complex. Young believers would like to deepen their relationship with the Church, but they expect the Church to be more open and respectful of their freedom.References
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