Technology as an Ally: Renewed Resilience and Spirituality Through the Impact of Augmented Reality (AR) in the Context of Dementia and Cognitive Impairment
augmented reality (AR), dementia, cognitive impairment, resilience, autonomyAbstract
Augmented reality (AR) is a resource that, when applied to people with dementia and cognitive impairment, reduces the latency of response to stimuli and facilitates the development of personal abilities, with greater autonomy and quality of life.
Broadening the range of an individual’s functioning has an impact not only on an operational level, but also on a spiritual level. The autonomy provided by AR impacts the person’s self-awareness and allows them to recognize themselves as an agent of change capable of actively and consciously triggering cognitive processes. In other words, it strengthens their internal control center, which is referred to in the scientific literature as a pillar of resilience. At the same time, identity empowerment benefits the spiritual health of the person, linked to resilience and referred to as a factor in health and emotional well-being.
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