How Can Social Understanding in Adolescence Be Enhanced? Observations Based on Short-Term Conversation-Based Training
social understanding, adolescence, theory of mind, conversation-based trainingAbstract
Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by significant changes and intensified social interactions. The role of parents decreases and the importance of peer groups increases. Peers, especially friends, may deliver instrumental aid and emotional support; they may also promote a sense of security and be a significant source of affection and intimacy. Additionally, peer relations provide a testing ground for exercising many competencies necessary in complex social situations, such as social problem-solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation. The intensified contact with peers may also enhance adolescents’ social understanding skills. Therefore, practicing social understanding skills within a peer group may enhance one’s social functioning in adolescence. For these practical and educational reasons, we aimed to confirm the effectiveness of conversation-based training in these skills and identify what factors potentially support or hinder its effectiveness.
Social understanding, the ability to understand oneself and others in various social situations, develops in childhood and adolescence. As this ability impacts satisfactory social functioning in adolescence and develops in a social context, a training process was proposed with the aim of enhancing the development of this ability based on the social-constructivist approach to social understanding. The efficacy of the training to enhance the understanding of one’s own and others’ mental states was verified using a sample of 65 Polish adolescents (mean age: 14.6 years). They participated in nine one-hour sessions and were divided into an experimental group (social understanding, n = 26) and two control groups: attention/perception (n = 17) and film/text literacy (n = 22). Although no direct effect of the theory of mind training was found, the results provided important observations for further work on adolescent social understanding training programs.
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