Shaping Resilience Against Cyberbullying Through Social Skills Training
resilience, cyberbullying, social skills training, youth, shaping resilienceAbstract
The article aims to present findings on strengthening resilience in the context of cyberbullying through social skills training. The following categories are considered: cyberbullying, resilience, and social skills training. The essay begins by presenting the essence and scale of the cyberbullying phenomenon and the characteristics of resilience as a resource in the event of a cyberbullying threat. Other issues presented in the text are related to preventing cyberbullying and the characteristics of social skills training. The final part of the study is devoted to identifying the areas of social skills that are key to building resilience in the event of being involved in cyberbullying. Based on the analysis of research reports, the key role of self-awareness, working on emotions, empathy and perspective-taking in building resistance to cyberbullying and its effects should be indicated. The text also contains suggestions for the key elements of social skills training in educational practice, especially in the context of cyberbullying prevention.
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