The Synergistic Nature of Gospel-Inspired Pedagogy
Gospel, novelty of the Gospel, synergy, pedagogy, pedagogical thinking and actionAbstract
The purpose of the article is to show the Gospel as a source of pedagogical thinking and action. The echo of its message is present in different pedagogical currents and concepts considered to be modern and innovative. This indicates the synergistic nature of pedagogy referring to Christianity, the source of which is the reality of the resurrection of Jesus and the hope which results from that truth that humankind can achieve salvation – a happy life with God for all eternity.
The events described in the Gospels are salvific, the components of which form a network of interconnections. Synergy is revealed in this network, understood as interaction; its result is not only the strengthening of desirable values or the weakening of undesirable phenomena, but the emergence of a new quality. It manifests itself in the fact that pedagogical reflection and educational activities inspired by the idea of the Gospel refer not only to knowledge resulting from natural cognition, but also to that enriched by cognition referring to the Transcendent. At the same time, the use of synergistic effects requires knowledge of the Gospel and the principles of its interpretation.
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