The Role of Interiorization in Teaching According to St. Augustine
St. Augustine, interiorization, teaching, heart, soul, wisdomAbstract
The article presents the role of interiorization in teaching as it appears in the writings of St. Augustine. It is based on an analysis of selected of his works and other sources interpreting his teaching in various contexts. The article defines the concept of interiorization, first referring to the teaching of John Paul II, and then showing the way that St. Augustine understood this issue. Based on the source texts, concepts such as knowledge and wisdom, inner and outer man, and reason and heart are distinguished. The insufficiency of words in the pedagogue’s process of conveying values is also indicated. The analysis made it possible to determine the goal of teaching, which, according to St. Augustine, is to gain wisdom through love. In the final part, the concept of the “Inner Teacher” is presented, which helps to internalize the knowledge of non-sensory things. The article is an attempt to draw attention to the role of interiorization in teaching and it indicates practical implications for the success of the educational process.
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