Janusz Korczak’s Ancestors and the Image of the Family in His Poem Alone with God: The Prayers of Those Who Do Not Pray
Janusz Korczak, educator, family, semantics of a text, language of religionAbstract
The article shows the structure and the semantics of the religious text Alone with God: The Prayers of Those Who Do Not Pray, written by Janusz Korczak, a well-known pedagogue. Korczak’s lively interest in the topic of human spirituality is apparent in this text. In the Dedication in the final part of the collection of prayers, the author writes that they are the statements of his ancestors, dictated by his parents. By writing this, he expresses his conviction about the overwhelming importance of the heritage of the past to the spiritual development of each person. The article also contains a description of Korczak’s ancestors and the image of the family recorded in the text.
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