“New Addiction”: An Introduction to the Subject of Behavioral Addictions
new addictions, behavioral dependency, action addiction, substance addiction, addictionAbstract
The conceptualization of the term “addiction” has been the subject of great debate for decades. Because the term is associated with drug use or alcohol consumption, it is not surprising that most official definitions focus on substances. Despite this, there is a growing trend that sees a range of behaviors as potentially addictive. These “new addictions” include such behaviors as gambling, playing video games, shopping, and using the Internet or social networks. The purpose of the article is to discuss the definitions and understandings of the term that can be found in the literature against the background of contemporary knowledge. The considerations in the article are divided into three parts: the first reviews the terms and classifications related to new addictions, while the second highlights the differences and similarities between activity addictions and substance addictions, and the final part provides a brief overview of behavioral addictions.
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