Co-Dependence in a Relationship With a Repeat Offender
co-dependence, life partners of criminals, criminals’ family environment, recidivism, crime renouncementAbstract
Codependency, understood as a dysfunctional and learned pattern of coping with stress, occurs in a variety of relationships, including in women living with repeat offenders. This particular context of codependency is poorly explored by researchers.
The purpose of this study was to determine what features described as characteristic of codependency in a relationship with an alcoholic occur in women’s relationships with repeat offenders. The material for the study consisted of discussions in online forums in which women described their experiences of living with repeat offenders. The discussions were examined using the content analysis method. It was found that partners of repeat offenders followed behavioral scripts typical of women living with alcoholics. In particular, these included trying to stabilize and control the man’s criminal activity, giving him unconditional help and support, using psychological defense mechanisms to lift his responsibility for the crime committed, and distorting reality by activating a system of illusions and fantasies. As a result of these behaviors, women created a cycle that was difficult to break, which resulted in negative experiences, such as loss of self-esteem, illness, separation from their social circles, and in some cases, it meant problems with the law for the partner.
Due to the fact that women’s pathological attachment to repeat offenders is a barrier to their partners’ withdrawal from criminal activity, it is worth offering repeat offenders serving their sentences appropriate educational programs.
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