Zjawisko zażywania muchomora czerwonego (amanita muscaria) wśród uczestników internetowych grup dyskusyjnych
red fly agaric, mushrooms, psychoactive substances, narcotics, intoxication, hallucinogensAbstract
Red fly agaric is one of the most recognizable species of mushrooms. Although the knowledge of its toxicity is common in Polish society, a rise in its recreational use has been observed in recent years. The aim of the study is to describe the phenomenon of fly agaric consumption and to characterize its enthusiasts in the context of individual and social conditions. The study was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire with questions about red fly agaric usage, issues related to mental health, and sociodemographic data. A total of 95 respondents were qualified for the research sample: 32 women, 60 men, and three people who declared a gender other than binary. They were divided into two groups: experimenters (OE) and regular red fly agaric users (OU). The frequency, form, dosage, and place of fly agaric consumption among the respondents was determined, as well as the circumstances of and sources for acquiring the substance. The subjects noted the effects—direct and long-term—of taking fly agaric. The results show that the use of psychoactive substances is constantly developing and that the changing trends make it necessary to reflect on the support system for people with addiction problems.
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