Landmark Events in the Lives of the Characters in the film The Purim Miracle
Jewish origins, process structures, biography, biographical workAbstract
In this article, I analyze the fate of the protagonists of the film titled The Purim Miracle. The purpose of the analysis is to reconstruct the fate of the protagonists, as well as to show the transformations that took place in their lives. The structure of the article consists of two parts: theoretical and analytical. In the introduction, I present a historical outline of Purim, the most important holiday for the representatives of the Mosaic religion, called the Jewish carnival. In the theoretical part, I summarize the issues that relate to landmark events in human life. Then I explain the issues concerning biographical process structures as seen by Fritz Schütze. In the analytical part, I describe the fate of the protagonists of The Purim Miracle, namely the parents (Jan and Jadwiga) and their son (Henio). The process of discovering one’s origins is a watershed event both for the life of the whole family and for individual family members. It causes changes in their biography, which requires biographical work. The fate of the characters is interpreted in relation to the process structures distinguished by Fritz Schütze. The title of the film itself is symbolic, as it refers to the holiday during which the transformation of the characters from Catholics to Jews took place. The biculturalism of the family is revealed not simultaneously, but linearly.
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