The Activity of Stanisław Tync for the Development of the History of Education After the Second World War
Stanisław Tync, historian of education and upbringing, history of upbringing, didactic activity, organizational and scientific activityAbstract
The article is devoted to one of the most distinguished Polish scholars and academic teachers, Stanisław Franciszek Tync. In his academic and professional biography, two periods should be distinguished: the interwar period and the postwar period. The text focuses on a presentation of his activities concerning the development of the history of education after the Second World War. At that time, he was an academic teacher at the University of Wrocław. The presented reflection focuses on the discussion of his scientific, organizational, and didactic activity related to teaching the history of education. His merits in educating young scientific staff are also outlined. The issue of Tync’s participation in the scientific life of historians of education is also discussed.
The article was prepared using mainly archival materials from the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Archives of the Jagiellonian University, Archives of the University of Wrocław. The correspondence, reviews, and opinions of Tync, as well as the documentation of his didactic activity, turned out to be crucial for any discussion of the topic. From these sources, we can read Tync’s contribution to the development of the scientific community of educational historians and reconstruct the issues of teaching the history of education.
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