Students with Dyslexia in Universities in Poland – Description of the Legal Situation and Good Practices
The aim of this article was to analyse the currently functioning system of support for students with dyslexia at state universities in Poland and to identify and assess good
practices that are already being implemented. The research method used was desk research (reviewing both formal and informal documents) and included university websites and
national and local legal regulations. The results showed that only nine (15%) state universities in Poland introduced concrete forms of support for the students with dyslexia and the faculty, such as exam concessions (six universities), consultations with a specialist (for students: six universities; for teachers: five universities), and provision of information and educational materials (nine universities). A comparison of the Polish support system for students with dyslexia with that of the UK resulted in a list of recommendations, including the extension of the examination time by 25% of the basic time, the assessment of written assignments solely on the basis of content and not on the correctness of spelling and changes in the format of an exam (from written to oral).
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