The Symbolism of Fear-Themed Drawings of Turkish and Polish Children
The article presents results of a study on fear-themed drawings, which was conducted in groups of Turkish and Polish children. The aim of the study was to learn about fears presented by 6-10-year-old children. The study consisted in comparing symbols recognized in drawings made by children of the two nationalities and their interpretation, taking into account the cultural context. For the needs of the comparative analysis the authors formulated the following questions: What kind of symbolism appears in the pictures created by the examined children? What are similarities and differences in the symbolism presented in the drawings? How can one interpret the recognized symbols? The largest number of the identified fear symbols proved to be linked to the category of animals. In an attempt to interpret the meaning of the symbols, the authors accepted that the perceived similarities result from the evolutionary origins of the fear of animals. On the other hand, the differences observed with reference to the symbolism used can stem from cultural factors.
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