The Impact of the Ways of Educational Process at University on Forming Opinions by Young People
discussion, education, curriculum, university student, university teachingAbstract
The presented article focuses on examining selected forms of educational process at universities and the subsequent acting of the inquired university students regarding the participation in deciding processes in society. It is therefore necessary to analyze if the discussion related to the events on the Slovak political scene carried out during lectures and seminars at universities constituted the influence of scholarly environment on forming the voter judgment on Parliamentary Election in Slovakia of the inquired university students. It is necessary to search and examine these connections through a theoretical definition of the given issue and subsequent empirical analysis of the asked exploratory question. The theoretical part characterizes the basic notions related to the educational process, aimed at the method of university teaching and with an emphasis on the ways of realisation and the course of university education. Within the empirical part it is possible to determine the focus of the discussion carried out at lectures and seminars at universities according to the respondents’ opinions. The created outline of the focus of educational process at university allows for drawing out the conditionality of the school’s impact on voting decisions of the inquired university students in the Parliamentary Election in Slovakia which took place on 5th March 2016. Data were obtained through a questionnaire prepared in advance. Data collected in April 2016 were consequently processed by the statistics software SPSS 20 and interpreted based on the results of univariant, bivariant and multivariant analysis. The respondents were 200 students studying at universities in Slovakia.
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