Antioxidant potential of water extracts from flowers of berry plants
chokeberry, elderberry, black and red currant, FRAP, ABTS, DPPH, ORACAbstract
The oxidative stress is one of the causes of overload and ineffectiveness of the body’s defense system. The factor that activates oxidative stress are radicals. An important role in reducing damage caused by the reactivity of radicals is played by dietary antioxidants, the supply of which is preventive, delaying the oxidation process. Examples of raw materials containing large amounts of antioxidants are the berry fruits, including chokeberry (or simply aronia) and elderberry. However, chokeberry, black currant and red currant flowers have not been a common research material so far. The aim of the study was to analyze the antioxidant properties of water extracts obtained from chokeberry, black currant, red currant and elderberry flowers by determining the total polyphenol content (TP) using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and the FRAP, DPPH, ORAC, and ABTS+ tests. Antioxidant properties of the extracts of liophylized flowers decrease in the order: aronia > black current > elderberry > red currant. According to our results, there is a relationship between total polyphenolics content and antioxidant activity of the extracts. These results are important from
the perspective of utilization of berry flowers, which might be potential sources of phenolics and other natural antioxidants.
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