Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa

About the Journal

“Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa” – kwartalnik (Problems of the Science of Science – quarterly) has been published since 1964 and is the official organ of the Science of Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 1965 there was still a science of science Commission appointed by the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences by the resolution of 16th July  1963 on the initiative of Tadeusz Kotarbiński (along with Stanisław and Maria Ossowski, and Florian Znaniecki), the precursor of problems of research into the science of science in Poland. The creator of praxeology, was becoming a part of the science of the study of science. Tadeusz Kotarbiński, at the time the Chairman of the Science Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences (and previously the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences between 1957 and 1962) became the first Chairman of the Scientific Council of “Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa,” kwartalnik (the full Polish title would translate as “Problems of the Science of Science – quarterly. Studies and Materials). Ignacy Małecki, a brilliant electro-acoustician from the Institute of the Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (and its first director) became the editor-in-chief. He was also a Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, where he managed the Department of Electro-acoustics. He was the founder or co-founder of many important acoustic and electro-acoustic projects, among which was the Centre for the Polish Radio station in Warsaw (already under way in 1936), and developed only after the Second World War. He also realized the acoustic projects for the Sejm, Philharmonic Orchestra, National Theatre, and many other important projects.
The journal, edited by both eminent researchers, one ahumanist–philosopher and  the other an electro-acoustic engineer, in the beginning had an interdisciplinary profile. The journal presented a variety of approaches to science and academic education, and took into account cultural and societal aspects, in spite of the political climate and censorship of that time. It was the first publication of its kind; not just in Poland.
“Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa” is a journal that has been bringing together academics interested in science for more than half a century, and in changing social, cultural and political climates. The journal is a forum in which to exchange opinions and points of view on worthy publications concerning science and the current problems of higher education and science that touch academia.
Since 2019 the journal is published by Nicolaus Copernicus University together with Polish Academy of Sciences. It retains its interdisciplinary profile and presents original papers within topics of:
(1) fundamental problems of science, treated here as a system of knowledge containing variety of metascientific disciplines (theory and methodology of science, philosophy of science with axiology, logic of knowledge, history of science, psychology and sociology of science),
(2) problems concerning practicality of teaching and research within academia, i.e. management and science politics (including evaluation, by using scientometrics), ethics of research, research ethos, ethical aspects of development of contemporary technologies, and application of said technologies and the desgin of research tools (i.e. big data) and new research strategies (those that are cognitively effective in exploration of new frontiers of research and reality as well as the challenges of modern world almost in its every aspect of human activity, where the results of scientific research find its applications in various sectors of social life, economy and industry.


Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022

Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa z. 1 (2020)

Tom 56, z. 1 (2020)

Zeszyt specjalny poświęcony międzynarodowej współpracy naukowej i przemianom w nauce.

Redaktor goscinny: Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski (SWPS/Poznań)

Read more

Current Issue

Vol. 55 No. 4 (2019): Problems of the Science of Science - Quarterly
Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022

A special issue prepared on the occation of the Polish-French Scientific Year.

Guest editor: Wioletta Miskiewicz (CNRS, Nancy).

Cooperation: Urszula Żegleń 

This issue table of contents
Noty o autorach
Wioletta Miskiewicz
Wioletta Miskiewicz
Lista recenzentow
Wioletta Miskiewicz, Urszula Żegleń
Archive of earlier volumes can be found >HERE<