Scientia et Fides

Scientia et Fides

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“Scientia et Fides” (SetF) is an open access online journal published twice a year. It is promoted by the Faculty of Theology of Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Torun, in collaboration with the Group of Research “Science, Reason, and Faith” (CRYF), at University of Navarra.

SetF aims to present rigorous research works regarding different aspects of the relationship between science and religion. For this reason, SetF articles are not confined to the methodology of a single discipline and may cover a wide range of topics, provided that the interdisciplinary dialogue between science and religion is tackled. The Journal accepts articles written in English, Spanish, Polish, French, Italian and German, which will be evaluated by a peer-review process.

"Scientia et Fides" is clasified as Q1 in Philosophy and Q1 in Religious Studies according to Scimago.

"Scientia et Fides" journal is listed in the following databases: 

CiteFactor (Impact factor 0,82), 
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),
Emerging Sources Citation Index,
e-Revist@s: Plataforma open access de revistas científicas eletrónicas españolas y latinoaméricanas,
Erih Plus,
Google Scholar
Index Copernicus International (ICV 2023165.00), 
Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR),
Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR),
The American Theological Library Association (ATLA)
- The Philosopher's Index



Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

Call for Papers: AI from the Philosophical and Religious Perspectives

Call for Papers:

AI from the Philosophical and Religious Perspectives
Editors:  Marcin Trepczyński and Furkan Ozcelik

In the considerations about Artificial Intelligence, it is worth combining philosophy with the reflections concerning religion and theological knowledge. This combination enriches the range of the problems which are relevant from the perspective of human condition.

We would like to invite all the scholars to contribute to the volume “AI from the Philosophical and Religious” by submitting articles which discuss this kind of topics, at the same time showing how rich the range created by merging philosophical and religious perspectives is.

Contact:  and

Deadline for submissions: May 15, 2025

Read more
V. 13 N. 1 (2025): Understanding the Future: Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
Thursday, Mar 27, 2025

edited by
Marcelo López Cambronero and Enrique Anrubia

This issue table of contents
Pablo García-Barranquero, Marcos Alonso Fernández
Guidelines for Authors