The Impact of Selected Lifestyle Factors on the Functional Fitness of Stroke Patients during the Covid-19 Pandemic
functional capacity, nursing care, risk factors, strokeAbstract
Introduction. Stroke is the cause of death in approximately 30,000 Poles yearly. Assessment of the functional capacity of patients after stroke and the factors influencing its course is utterly important because it allows to determine the level of nursing care need.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the functional capacity of patients after stroke and the impact of lifestyle-related stroke risk factors on the effectiveness of rehabilitation depending on the type of stroke suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Material and Methods. The study group included 89 patients (38 women and 51 men) after hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke hospitalized under early neurological rehabilitation. Functional fitness was assessed using the 20-point Barthel scale and the NHPT(Nine Hole Peg Test) test to assess hand function.
Results. The study reported a statistically significant impact of rehabilitation on the functional capacity of patients after stroke. The age influence on the type of stroke was also noticed — people with ischemic stroke were older compared to people with hemorrhagic stroke. Stroke patients with diabetes, hypertension or obesity achieved statistically worse results compared to patients without these comorbidities.
Conclusions. Age is an important risk factor for ischemic stroke. Furthermore people after stroke who suffer from diabetes, hypertension and obesity require more intensive rehabilitation. (JNNN 2023;12(4):157–163)
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