Patient's Satisfaction as an Expression of Quality of Nursery Care in Persons Treated Surgically due to Spinal Discopathy in Cervical or Lumbar Vertebral Segment
patient’s satisfaction with nursing care, Newcastle scale, spinal discopathyAbstract
Background. The quality of nursing care is the goal of research in various medical specialties, hospitals and primary care, but also in various diseases.
Aim. The aim of the work isto evaluate theexperienceand satisfactionwith nursing carein patientstreated surgically forcervicaldisc herniationorlumbar disc herniation, according to the Polish version of The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale (NSNS-PL).
Material and methods. The studywasa prospectiveand included108 peoplewho were treatedsurgicallyfrom 1st06th2009 to31st05th2010 in theDepartment ofNeurosurgery andNeurotraumatologyUniversity of Medical Sciences, due todisc herniationin the cervicalorlumbarspine.To measuresatisfactionwith nursing carescale was usedNSNS-PL. The study was conducted at least 12 months after surgery.
Results.Patientstreated forlumbar or cervical disc herniationevaluated theexperienceand satisfaction withnursing care ofa veryhighscaleNSNS-PL. Evaluation of experiencein patients withcervicalintervertebral discsaveraged82% andsatisfaction –76%. Patientstreated forlumbar disc diseaseexperiencean averagerateof79%and thesatisfaction
of74%. Intheexperienceofnursingthe sick,bothcervicaldiscectomyandthelumbar discectomy, patients top ratedprofessional,and the lowestextent and mannerof informationprovidedby nurses. Assessmentof satisfactionwith nursing carewas similarin both groupsof patients.Topratedaspectwasprofessional.The lowestwere assessedin patients withcervicaldiscectomy – the scope andmanner of providinginformation, and inpatients withlumbar discectomy – politeforms of behavior andthe delivery of information.
Conclusions. 1. Patientsunder theNSNS-PL scaleassessed theexperienceand satisfactionwith nursing carein theevaluation ofgood or very good. 2. Analysis of individualstatementsand questionsNSNSscaleis usefulin assessingvariousaspects ofnursing care. PNN 2013;2(2):48-56)
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