Assessment of the Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, patients, quality of lifeAbstract
Introduction. Each progressive incurable disease has an impact on the level and quality of life of those affected, on their family, professional and social roles. Multiple sclerosis is an incurable and progressive disease of the central nervous system. The ambiguous course of the disease, the multiplicity of symptoms and the periodicity of relapses and remissions not only have a negative effect on the body, but also have a significant impact on the subjective assessment of life satisfaction.
Aim. The main aim of the research was to examine the quality of life among patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.
Material and Methods. The study involved 105 patients with multiple sclerosis of the Sandomierz Neurology Center. An original survey questionnaire was used as a research tool.
Results. The analysis of the research results showed that the highest percentage of the respondents suffered from a relapsing-remitting form, mostly young people diagnosed between the ages of 21 and 40. Patients complain of many symptoms related to individual symptoms (movement, sensory, vegetative disorders, visual disturbances). Limitations resulting from physical disability create many problems in the lives of patients. The research shows that their quality of life decreased along with the deterioration of their mobility.
Conclusions. Most patients with multiple sclerosis misjudge the quality of their lives in all its spheres. The lowering of the quality of life is mainly influenced by the health condition, disorders of many organs, advanced disability, psychological disorders, lack of sufficient support from the family, specialist and institutional support. (JNNN 2021;10(2):58–64)
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