Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy Facing Everyday Problems
cerebral palsy, problems of parentsAbstract
Background. The fact that raising a child with a disability poses a great challenge to parents, forcing them to give up work, reduce social contacts, change their lifestyle and total dedication to the care of the child. Problems of everyday life of parents of a disabled child cause all sorts, often negative emotions, permanent stress, fatigue, and - psychosomatic symptoms.
Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the common everyday problems in parents of children with cerebral palsy.
Material and methods. The study included 50 parents of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, who are students of the School of Special them. Janusz Korczak in Ostrow Wielkopolski and patients a long-distance Department of Neurological Rehabilitation in Wroclaw during the period from December 2012 to March 2013. The data collection was used as questionnaire to copyright. Results were statistically analyzed.
Results. Most parents of children with CP (88%) often feel fatigue (94%), retirement (28%) and irritability (24%). Over half of the mothers stopped their career to the education of a sick child. Over half (68%) of the parents confirmed that after the birth of a sick child they had to significantly reduce social gatherings. Most parents (88%) say that they felt the stress of caring for a sick child.
Conclusions. Raising a child with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy is associated with a very high both physical and mental burden. The care of the child with cerebral palsy causes constant stress and fatigue, which negatively affect the lives of the entire family. Parents of children with CP face a number of everyday problems associated with the care, rehabilitation, financial difficulties, and the need to give up work. (PNN 2013;2(4):149-154)
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