Subjectivity in (of) Education. The Perspective of the Gospel
subjectivity, person, God, religious education, analysis of interactionsAbstract
In the article, we concentrate on the role of the form teacher and pupil in the processes of the humanity formation. We deduce this from the main source of Christian knowledge, which is the Gospel. From this perspective, we indicate the activity of one more upbringing subject who is God seen as a person. In the processes of upbringing inspired by the Gospel, we have to deal with the triad, which comprise of the pupil, form teacher – man and form teacher – God. We seek the answer to the question about understanding the relationship between subjectivity of upbringing and education, which source means the Gospel. It opens new possibilities of development and the feeling of sense of own dignity of both the form teacher and pupil. The crucial role in this process one can designate to the religious education, which aim is to support the man in developing his humanity and achieving its completeness. In these processes, it can appear important to respect the assumption of the pedagogy of accompaniment and witness. These assumptions not only refer to the distinctive tasks of each of the subjects, but they also sensitise the cooperative basis of activity undertaken by each of them.
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